During the inaugural session of the Conference of Power and Renewable Energy Ministers of States and UTs at Gurugram R K Singh Union Minister of State (IC) for Power and New & Renewable Energy launched Energy Efficiency Label for Residential Sector in India.
Developed by Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), this under the aegis of Ministry of Power Energy efficiency label programme, for Residential Buildings will provide the information to consumers on the energy efficiency programme standard of the Homes to be constructed across India.
The objective of the labelling programme is to make an instrument over the energy performance of a home which will gradually lead to an effective tool while deciding over the home prices in future. It also aims to provide a benchmark to compare one home over the other on the energy efficiency standards so as to create a consumer driven market transformation solution for Energy Efficiency in housing sector.
The proposed labelling program is expected to save substantial amount of electric energy through various energy efficiency efforts in houses nationwide. With the implementation of Energy efficiency label for Residential Buildings it is estimated to achieve an energy saving of up to 40% over the conventional houses with annual savings of 90 Billion Units by the year of 2030. Further, the Labelling mechanism will reduce in energy bills for home buyers. The likely CO2 emission deduction by 2030 will be 320 MT CO2 annually.
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