The Jaipur Development Authority (JDA) is planning to run headquarters and two big parks (Central Park and Jawahar Circle) on solar power reports TOI.
The solar power generated from 730 kwp ‘Rooftop Solar Power Plant’ in Phase-I will be used to meet maximum requirements at the JDA headquarters and two parks replacing the conventional system.
According to the report expenditure cost of the plant will be borne by the appointed firm. Under the agreement developer will invest, own and operates the plant while JDA purchases the electricity generated.
Devesh Gupta, executive engineer at JDA speaking to the publication said “The consumption of electricity at JDA is approximately 1.5 lakh units per month. As per the calculation, 1 kw plate produces four units per day. With our solar set up, we would produce approximately 87,600 units and save Rs 6-8 lakh per month,” he added “At present, this will be the biggest solar plant, which will be installed on any of the government building. The plant will be set up under Renewable Energy Service Company (RESCO) model.”
Gupta further added “JDA’s electricity expenditure per month is approximately Rs 2.5 crore per annum. While, Rs 2 crore bill is generated for headquarters, Rs 25 lakh is spent to cater the electricity consumption of each park. The agreement with the firm will be for 25 years. The consumption would be reduced half and JDA would pay the firm from money that would be saved.” added.
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