Tago announced NTPC Limited as the project management consultant for the development of nearly 300 MW of solar power projects.
The Letter of Engagement of NTPC as PMC was handed over by Kondi Mani, Charge d’ Affaire, Embassy of Togo, New Delhi, to Gurdeep Singh, CMD (NTPC), in the august presence of R. K. Singh, Minister of Power & RE (GoI) & President of ISA Assembly.
Upendra Tripathy, Director General (ISA) was also present.
Speaking on the occasion, R K Singh expressed his happiness over the development and stated that RE project offers cheaper power. This resource must be harnessed by ISA member countries as RE makes it possible to supply electricity to people living in far-flung areas through distributed power supply model. He underlined the importance of independent regulators upon stating that under recently evolving model prepaid smart metering helps in smooth billing and collection and the governments need not invest in the projects which developers take care.
Letter of Endorsement was given to NTPC for extending PMC services and circulated to all the National Focal Points (NFPs) of ISA Member Countries. There will not be any direct cost implications to the member countries. However, the engagement of NTPC for PMC is the sole discretion of a Member Country.
NFP (National Focal Point) of Togo, based on the endorsement of ISA has sent a communication to DG ISA for engaging NTPC for the PMC services for development of Solar PV Projects/Parks on 70 Hectares of identified land in Dapaong (Dalwak Region: Capacity More than 33 MW) and on 500 Hectares of identified land in Mango (Savanes Region: Capacity About 250 MW). Togo is the first ISA Country to avail the services of NTPC.