Vedanta Aluminium’s Material Recovery Facility (MRF) converts over 27,828 kgs of waste on Earth Day 2023

Vedanta Aluminium showcases commitment to sustainability through the deployment of a Material Recovery Facility (MRF) in Jharsuguda district, Odisha, which has successfully converted recyclable waste into useful materials.

Vedanta Aluminium marked Earth Day 2023 by showcasing its commitment to building a sustainable future. The company deployed a Material Recovery Facility (MRF) at its operations in Jharsuguda district, Odisha, to treat and manage waste material sustainably. The facility has converted 27,828 kgs of waste into useful materials, thereby achieving a significant milestone in the company’s goal of achieving ‘Zero Waste’.
The recyclable waste generated from the facility is further utilised within the plant’s operations, such as bio-compost and briquettes for horticulture activities. Any non-recyclable materials generated from the facility are sent to cement industries for co-processing, demonstrating new possibilities in establishing circular economy avenues within the domestic manufacturing landscape.
The MRF has resulted in the mitigation of over 34,820 kgs of carbon dioxide equivalent emissions and energy savings of around 48,735 kWh, thereby diverting waste from being relegated to landfills towards more gainful avenues.
In addition, the company organised several volunteering and awareness initiatives to sensitise employees, business partners and local communities on individual responsibility towards preserving planet Earth.
Vedanta’s CEO, Rahul Sharma, said that their organisational efforts are aimed at creating long-term value for all their stakeholders while minimising their impact on the environment and encouraging sustainable practices within the communities in which they operate. The company also celebrated the occasion with local community members in collaboration with officials from the State Forest Department, sharing the importance of forests and sustainable sources of livelihood linked to forests. Vedanta Aluminium’s efforts are a significant step towards building a sustainable future for India and the world.