TrinaTracker’s SuperTrack Technology Has Potential to Boost Solar Power Plant Production: Report

Third-party analysis confirms TrinaTracker’s smart tracking methodology can increase solar plant power generation by capturing diffuse light during cloudy conditions and reducing row-on-row shading on project sites with undulating terrain.

TrinaTracker has received an independent technical analysis report from a renowned third party for its SuperTrack technology. The report reviewed the SuperTrack technology and estimated its potential impact on solar project generation. The report revealed that TrinaTracker SuperTrack has the potential to increase solar power plant production by 3.06%.

The report assessed the SuperTrack smart tracking methodology and estimated production increases for a hypothetical 100MW project in Campina, Spain. The report confirmed that the SuperTrack technology can boost solar plant power generation by capturing diffuse light during cloudy conditions and reducing row-on-row shading on project sites with undulating terrain.

SuperTrack is an intelligent, self-adjusting smart tracker control system designed by TrinaTracker. It applies SBA and STA algorithms to correct shading caused by sloped terrain and capture diffuse light under cloudy conditions. The SuperTrack methodology has been verified as logical and consistent with other advanced tracking algorithms used within the industry.

The analysis utilized PVsyst to model SuperTrack’s impact on generation. Given that PVsyst’s treatment of single-axis trackers is mainly based on a flat site without adequately considering the power loss due to row-to-row shading, the third party computes the effects of the slopes in each direction using separate PVsyst runs. Using this methodology, the report estimates that the potential generation gain using SuperTrack technology is approximately 3.06%.

The report also calculated LCOE (Levelized Cost of Electricity) differences between a typical single-axis tracking PV system and a PV system with SuperTrack based on the 100MW Campina, Spain demonstration project. As a result, the report states that with SuperTrack technology, project LCOE has the potential to decrease by $1.25/MWh, which is equivalent to 2.79% lower than that of the typical single-axis tracker PV project.

Dr. Sun Kai, Head of Smart Tracker Control System said, “TrinaTracker is glad to see SuperTrack technology validated by independent analysis as logical, highly reliable, and advanced within the industry. We will continuously make all efforts to innovate the smart tracking technology and provide the most reliable and highly value-added solution to our clients all around the world