Decarbonisation India Alliance Launches, Uniting Forces for a Sustainable Future

Prominent Stakeholders Collaborate to Accelerate India’s Carbon Footprint Reduction

The Decarbonisation India Alliance (DIA) has officially launched, marking a significant milestone in India’s efforts to combat climate change. Led by the Society of Energy Engineers and Managers (SEEM), along with several other organizations, the alliance was inaugurated during the SEEM India Energy Conclave and Awards 2023.

DIA is a collaborative effort that brings together various stakeholders, including industries, energy-efficient product manufacturers, service providers, and policy organizations. Their common goal is to accelerate India’s decarbonization initiatives, recognizing the urgent need to reduce the country’s carbon footprint.

Key members of the alliance include SEEM, Asar Social Impact Advisors, Carbon Market Association of India (CMAI), AMOS Group, Sonel, India Blockchain Alliance (IBA), Janitza, NGOs, Industries, Facilities, and others. Together, they aim to address climate change and work toward a more sustainable future.

Dr. Ashok Kumar, Deputy Director General at the Bureau of Energy Efficiency, Ministry of Power, Government of India, emphasized the pressing nature of climate change, citing its impacts in Himachal Pradesh. He called for active contributions to global temperature reduction and highlighted the Prime Minister’s Mission LiFE program as a framework for solutions.

At its core, the DIA is committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting sustainable development principles. By fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange among diverse stakeholders, including industry leaders and manufacturers, the alliance aims to develop innovative solutions and implement best practices. This initiative not only targets emissions reduction but also supports economic growth and job creation by transitioning to a low-carbon economy.

The DIA focuses on several key objectives, including promoting renewable energy, energy efficiency, and sustainability across sectors, nurturing innovation and technology development, facilitating knowledge exchange, and advocating for policies that incentivize decarbonization.

R Jayakumar, President of SEEM, hailed the alliance as a game changer for India’s journey toward net-zero emissions. He also highlighted the SEEM National Action Plan for Decarbonising India, which encompasses areas such as energy audits, training, collaborative programs, certifications, events, and studies.

Vinuta Gopal, Chief Executive Officer of Asar, emphasized the crucial role of industries, energy-saving product manufacturers, and service providers in combating climate change. These stakeholders are seen as climate champions and play an indispensable role in advocating for renewable energy sources and green technologies.

The urgency of addressing climate change was reiterated, with the impacts already evident in the form of extreme events like heatwaves, droughts, floods, and more. Achieving net-zero emissions by 2070, as pledged by India, requires a comprehensive decarbonization strategy that aligns ambitious climate action with resilience-building measures.

The Decarbonisation India Alliance stands as a beacon of hope in India’s commitment to a low-carbon, resilient future, where economic growth and environmental preservation go hand in hand, leaving a sustainable legacy for future generations.