FLAME University Leads the Charge in Climate Education with Global Partnership

University Partners with IUBS to Empower Educators and Equip Students Through Free Resources

In a world facing the harsh realities of climate change, FLAME University is emerging as a leader in climate education. Through a partnership with the International Union of Biological Sciences (IUBS), FLAME University’s Centre for Sustainability, Environment, and Climate Change (CSECC) is making significant strides in providing accessible, high-quality climate change education for all.

TROP ICSU Project: Empowering Educators, Equipping Students

This collaboration centers around the ambitious TROP ICSU (Trans-disciplinary Research Oriented Pedagogy for Improving Climate Studies and Understanding) project. This initiative by IUBS aims to equip future generations with the knowledge and skills necessary to tackle climate change by integrating critical climate change resources into global education systems.

A Free Resource Powerhouse for Climate Literacy

The partnership between FLAME University and IUBS comes at a critical juncture, aligning perfectly with India’s National Education Policy 2020 (NEP-2020) that emphasizes environmental education. The free-to-use TROP ICSU platform offers a comprehensive suite of resources for educators worldwide:

  • Over 800 vetted climate change resources for teachers and students
  • A repository of over 370 lesson plans and 530+ teaching tools across 10 disciplines
  • Culturally appropriate pedagogy ensuring global accessibility and relevance

FLAME University at the Forefront of Environmental Education

FLAME University’s CSECC has actively promoted environmental awareness and education through TROP ICSU workshops and its vast collection of resources.

Prof. Dishan Kamdar, FLAME University Vice-Chancellor, highlighted the significance of the partnership, stating it “encourages environmental awareness and sustainable development” in line with NEP-2020.

Dr. Rahul Chopra, Director of CSECC and TROP ICSU, emphasized the project’s role in empowering educators with “high-quality, free, ready-to-use resources” to teach climate change.

This collaboration between FLAME University and IUBS underscores their unwavering commitment to educating teachers and students about environmental preservation. By equipping future generations with climate change knowledge, this partnership paves the way for a greener and more sustainable world.

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