India’s Trucking Industry Gears Up for a Zero-Emission Future

Report Highlights Challenges and Opportunities for a Just Transition

A new report by the Climate Policy Initiative (CPI) underscores the urgent need for India to transition its trucking industry to zero-emission vehicles (ZETs). This shift is crucial for addressing the country’s climate and air quality challenges.

The report, titled “Just Transition to Zero-Emission Trucking in India,” highlights the significant role the trucking industry plays in India’s carbon emissions. With 4% of the country’s energy-related CO2 emissions and a staggering 53% of particulate matter emissions attributed to this sector, the transition to ZETs is a critical step towards a cleaner and more sustainable future.

However, the transition also presents significant challenges, particularly for the informal sector workers who rely on the trucking industry for their livelihoods. The report emphasizes the importance of ensuring a “just transition” that addresses the social and economic dimensions of this shift.

Arun Krishnan, Program Manager at CPI, stressed the need for a comprehensive approach: “A just transition requires a focus on equipping the truck manufacturing and services workforce with the necessary skills to adapt to the changes ahead. It also means ensuring alternative livelihoods for those who may be impacted by the transition.”  

Key Recommendations from the Report

  • Establish a Just Transition Fund: The report recommends creating a dedicated fund to support reskilling programs and provide alternative livelihood options for those affected by the transition.
  • Focus on Stakeholder Needs: Policy and financial interventions should prioritize the needs of direct, indirect, and induced workers in the trucking industry.
  • Address Disproportionate Impacts: Particular attention should be paid to communities near major transportation corridors, which may bear a disproportionate burden of the transition.

By implementing these recommendations, India can pave the way for a successful and equitable transition to zero-emission trucking, contributing to a cleaner and healthier future for its citizens.