MNRE has issued notice for retrofitting of transmission lines and wind turbines to avoid bird collission in Great Indian Bustard (GIB) habitats of Rajasthan & Gujarat
It is reported that electrocution with the transmission lines and collision with wind turbines of Wind Energy Farms are major causes of death of the Great Indian Bustard (GIB) birds in Rajasthan and Gujarat.
In this regard, MOEF&CC has taken following measures for ensuring the safety of GIB and other migratory bird species:
- It has taken an ambitious Great Indian Bustard Species Recovery Programme in collaboration with Wild Life Institute of India (WII) and GIB range States like Rajasthan and Gujarat, which includes identification of the critical power transmission lines and wind energy farms in GIB habitats and making them GIB friendly.
- Standing Committee of National Board of Wild Life in its 47th meeting has made the submission of the animal passage plan, prepared on the basis of WII guidelines, mandatory for considering approval of any new linear infrastructure project proposal passing through protected areas and other wild life rich areas. These guidelines suggest for putting up of the bird diverters on the conductors of the power transmission lines.
- In compliance of the Supreme Court direction dated 19th January, 2018 in Civil Writ Petition No. 275 of 2015, the MOEF&CC is constituting an inter-ministerial Task Force comprising of officers of the Ministry of Power, PGCIL, Central Electricity Authority and MOEF&CC for suggesting various measures for avoiding death of the birds and other animals due to electrocution and collision with the power transmission lines.
- Forest Advisory Committee in its meeting held on 22nd March, 2018 has made it mandatory for power transmission line agencies to deploy bird diverters on conductors and paint the vane tips of wind turbine with orange colour to avoid bird hits.
- In this regard, it is requested that power transmission line agencies and wind energy farm developers may identify critical power transmission lines and wind energy firms passing through the Great Indian Bustard (GIB) habitats in Rajasthan and Gujarat in consultation with the Wild Life Institute of India (WII) and concerned States Governments and accordingly take up risk mitigation measures against bird hits like putting up bird diverters on the conductors, painting of vane tips of the wind turbines, etc.