Share of renewables in energy mix came down from 11.4 to 10.7 per cent in Q2

According to the latest edition of  CEEW Centre for Energy Finance’s quarterly Market Handbook, share of renewable energy  in the energy mix decreased marginally from …

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Investment in renewables must triple to meet climate goal: IRENA

According to a new report from the house of International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) and Climate Policy Initiative (CPI), Global renewable energy investment increased between …

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COVID-19 will permanently reduce global energy demand, buys time to reach Paris climate goals

The behavioural and economic ramifications of COVID 19 will permanently reduce global energy demand, according to DNV GL’s newly published Energy Transition Outlook. Compared to …

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Sharp spurt in clean energy innovation needed to reach climate goals: IEA

According to a report released by the International Energy Agency (IEA)–a major acceleration in clean energy innovation is needed for the countries and companies around …

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COVID 19 Effect: Power generation from renewables remain unaffected while thermal suffered says Ind-Ra

COVID-19 led lockdown the all-India energy demand in March this year decreased 8.9% yoy to 98.8 billion units (BU) while energy supply decreased 9.2% yoy, …

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