As per a survey done by India Energy Storage Alliance (IESA) member company Prayas, about 42-47% of households in Uttar Pradesh reported power outages to be repeated and erratic. Kanpur has been facing frequent power cuts that has left the locals and business reeling under the pressure of surmounting diesel costs.
In its endeavor to address the need for adoption of rooftop solar + energy storage in cities like Kanpur and for fast-tracking behind the meter adoption of advanced energy storage technologies, India Energy Storage Alliance (IESA) brings once again ESS (Energy Storage Solutions) Meet at Indian Industries Association (IIA), Kanpur on 29th November 2019.
The objective behind this meet is to provide appropriate energy storage solutions for Commercial & Industrial consumers. Leading companies such as IT Office, Data Centre, Banks, SEZ, Townships, Commercial Complex, and Manufacturing Facility & Production Industry to participate in the event. The event is partnered by Sterling & Wilson, Indo-German Energy Forum, Indian Industries Association, Associate Chambers Of Commerce and Industry of Uttar Pradesh – Uttarakhand and Asia Power Quality Initiative.
Power outages are a regular phenomenon in Kanpur and range from a few minutes to 4 hours/day as the city is facing the problem of adequate power supply. These intermittent outages and power quality issues due to voltage fluctuations can damage electrical equipment. The regular daily supply is for about 20 hours in Uttar Pradesh.
The households are forced to buy power back and other options. *About 34% of all households, including a significant share of low income category households, still use kerosene lamps as a back-up option. These lamps can cause indoor pollution and accidents. Further, 38% use other emergency lamps such as solar lamps or LED bulbs with integrated batteries.
About 47% of the households report some kind of appliance damage from poor supply quality. Some households (28%), mostly from middle income and high income, have bought voltage stabilizers to protect their appliances.
The month of September had the most number of interruptions and power cuts. Masvanpur-Kanpur, the district had 67 number of interruptions and 44:29 hours of a power outage while UPSIDC Site C Agra, the district had 51 number of interruptions and 36 hours of a power outage. Power outages in UP have forced industries and commercial setups to either install Diesel Generators (DG) or Inverters.
DG is very commonly used in industries where power quality is of utmost importance. They are widely used by industries like continuous and batch processing industries such as Pharmaceuticals, Automobiles, Glass manufacturers and service industries such as Data Centers.
These DGs contribute largely to air and noise pollution and are continuously becoming a menace to the industrial cities. Cities like Delhi have completely banned the usage of Diesel Generators for any purpose other than Emergency Situations.
According to a survey by the World Health Organization (WHO), Kanpur tops as one of the most polluted cities in the world and suffers from high air pollution throughout the year, especially in winter when the pollution rises to alarming levels. Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) can be an option to reduce the dependence on DG, thereby reducing the pollution levels in the city.
BESS stores the electrical power when the supply is available and during the time of power outage / voltage fluctuation, it manages to supply continuous power over a period of time. This BESS uses advance technology batteries such as Lithium-ion, Nickle Cadmium etc. and can be used in Power and energy applications to supply the uninterrupted power.
There are many industries that are facing power quality issues for their manufacturing process. Power outage in industrial hubs are also making huge losses for the industries in that region.
In commercial complex, the combined use of DG and lead acid batteries are burning higher money for the operators than single large scale installations of advanced energy storage technologies. This forum intends to bring allthese discussion points with a suitable business case for C&I establishments.
The earlier ESS Meet took place in Coimbatore, Pune, Delhi, Bangalore and Jharkhand respectively which was attended by over 80 large Commercial and Industrial consumers as well as 50+ IESA member companies who are actively looking to provide solutions for these customers.