Chief Minister of Delhi Arvind Kejriwal on August 7, 2020 launched a new electric vehicle policy that aims to boost the economy, creating jobs and reduce air pollution in the national capital.
Speaking on the new policy Nagesh Basavanhalli, MD & CEO, Greaves Cotton said “The EV Policy announced by the Delhi government is a welcome step in the right direction as it will encourage the adoption of electric vehicles in the capital and will set an example for other states to follow. The new policy providing incentives worth Rs 30,000 on electric 2-wheelers and 3-wheelers, along with loan facilities on low-interest rates will not only boost the EV adoption, but also generate employment opportunities; which is much required considering the current scenario.”
He added “Taking a step further, the policy also talks about strengthening the infrastructure by setting up 200 charging stations. This will go a long way to create a sustainable ecosystem that will impact us and the next generation in a positive way.”