RenewSys Doubles PV Module Manufacturing Capacity at Patalganga Facility to 2 GW

Maharashtra’s Largest Module Manufacturing Plant Celebrates Expansion

RenewSys, integrated manufacturer of solar PV modules and its key components, has recently announced the doubling of its photovoltaic (PV) module manufacturing capacity from 1 GW to 2 GW at its Patalganga facility in Maharashtra.

This state-of-the-art production facility is home to world-class technology that produces modules with unmatched reliability and power output, backed by RenewSys’ Values-Led business approach, said the company in a statement.

The expansion of the facility was celebrated on the occasion of Akshay Tritiya and EID, which made the day doubly auspicious.

RenewSys’ banking partners, who have supported the company’s phenomenal growth journey, were also present at the inauguration.

RenewSys has shipped modules to over 45 countries worldwide and is the largest module manufacturing plant in Maharashtra.

The company’s integrated approach has made it a leader in the solar industry, as it is the only manufacturer to produce solar PV modules and its key components, including encapsulants, backsheets, and solar PV cells.

RenewSys expressed its gratitude to all its customers and partners who have joined them on this incredible journey, and they look forward to even brighter days ahead.

With the expansion of the Patalganga facility, RenewSys is well-positioned to continue leading the way in the solar industry and delivering top-quality solar PV modules to customers around the world.