IIT Mandi Researchers Uncover Alarming Groundwater Pollution Crisis in Punjab

Study Highlights Urgent Need for Mitigation and Awareness

A research team led by Dr. Dericks Praise Shukla and Ms. Harsimranjit Kaur Romana from IIT Mandi reveals shocking insights into groundwater pollution caused by agricultural runoff in Punjab.

Punjab’s intensive agricultural practices, driven by the Green Revolution, have severely exploited groundwater, leading to significant pollution.

Groundwater pollution in Punjab has resulted in severe health issues, earning it the unfortunate moniker of the “cancer capital” of India.

The extensive study analyzed groundwater quality changes from 2000 to 2020, identifying regions with notably subpar water quality.

Published in “Environmental Science and Pollution Research,” the findings emphasize the urgent need for mitigation measures and state government attention.

Residents are urged to be aware of locations with unsafe groundwater for drinking and irrigation purposes.

This research serves as a vital resource for policymakers and highlights the critical importance of safeguarding groundwater and public health in Punjab.