Global Solar Council Unveils New Brand and Strategic Vision

Initiative Aims to Unite Solar PV Industry and Accelerate Worldwide Deployment

In a significant move to bolster the global solar power industry, the Global Solar Council (GSC) has announced the launch of its new brand and strategic vision. This initiative aims to unite the solar PV sector and maintain the world’s trajectory towards a 1.5°C climate goal.

Sonia Dunlop, CEO of GSC, highlighted the booming nature of the solar industry, which has already surpassed 1 TW of installed capacity, avoiding 300 million tonnes of CO2 emissions. Dunlop emphasized the need for global unity to overcome challenges, enhance deployment, and ensure universal access to solar electricity. “With GSC’s renewed strategy and our growing network, we are working harder than ever to make this a reality,” she stated.

Máté Heisz, Chair of the Board of GSC, echoed this sentiment, describing the rebranding as a pivotal moment for the organization. Heisz stressed the mission to unify solar PV stakeholders to achieve the 1.5°C climate goal, asserting that solar energy is central to a sustainable future.

The rebranding effort reflects GSC’s core values of passion, community, and progress. Alyssa Pek, Strategy & Communications Director, described the new brand as a bold symbol of optimism and hope, aligning with the organization’s ambitious strategic priorities.

GSC’s renewed strategy is structured around three key pillars:

  1. Policy and Advocacy: Supporting global and national policies to ensure long-term growth.
  2. Network Building and Knowledge: Uniting stakeholders to share best practices and open new markets.
  3. Standard Setting and Solutions: Promoting global standards for a competitive and sustainable industry.

Dunlop emphasized that collaboration and innovation are central to overcoming barriers and boosting solar PV deployment worldwide.

As part of the new strategy, GSC introduced new work streams focusing on critical areas for industry growth, including grid integration, finance, supply chain, and skills development. These initiatives, led by industry leaders like SMA Solar and Jinko Solar, aim to address technical, regulatory, and financial challenges while enhancing workforce skills through collaborations like the Solar Training Standards Initiative.

The GSC also plans to strengthen its Regional Groups in Southeast Asia, Africa, and Latin America, working closely with local stakeholders to support regional growth.

The organization invites global solar industry companies and associations to join its network, offering benefits such as enhanced marketing, market expansion support, policy intelligence, and networking opportunities.

For more information, visit Global Solar Council.

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