Plants to check air pollution at your home

Its been often advised to plant trees to reduce pollution, but did you know that house plants are also an excellent option to do so? Check out the list of plant below that will help you fight indoor air pollution: –

Starting with the winter season the pollution level across the country would be at its peak because the cold air is denser and moves slower than warm air, it traps the pollution. Air pollution in winter remains in place for much longer and therefore is breathed in at a higher rate than during the summer. Air Pollution is not only a major threat to global health but to prosperity as well. WHO estimates that the combined impacts of household and ambient air pollution result in 7 million preventable deaths per year.

India is the 5th most polluted country in the world, while Delhi and Kolkata rank the highest in pollution due to fine particulate matter, according to Air Quality and Health in Cities, a State of Global Air report. India’s financial capital Mumbai takes the 14th position on this list.

According to a website that checks air quality across the globe “” out of the 20 cities 14 are from India (historical data 2017-2021).

Every year during the winter season the metro cities of the country become suffocating, and roads are filled with eerie siren of the ambulance which fills people’s hearts with the thought of losing someone close or dear!

Get them right away!

Sanseveria or snake plant

Because of its snake-like shaded leaves, Sanseveria, often known as the snake plant, it is a particularly well-liked house plant which makes it fir for a beautiful home décor. Its outstanding air-purifying qualities have earned it a spot-on NASA’s list of air-purifying plants. It has been proven to get rid of pollutants like benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, xylene, and toluene. This plant can withstand poor light conditions and irregular watering schedules.

Peace Lily

Along with its ability to clear the air, peace lilies are believed to bring luck and good health. It can eliminate a number of well-known air contaminants, including benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, ammonia, xylene, and toluene. It is a low-maintenance plant that produces a lot of blooms in the summer.

Boston ferns

Boston ferns, one of the most attractive house plant, are efficient at removing formaldehyde, xylene, toluene, airborne germs, moulds, and bacteria from indoor air. It can also be utilised for home décor.

Aloe vera

It’s very likely that you already have this plant in your house. If not, you need to get one right away because it has a million other advantages in addition to purifying the air. In Indian homes, aloe vera is used in countless ways, including in cooking and personal care products. It is greatly effective in cleaning benzene and formaldehyde from the air, it’s a boon as an air-purifier!

Pothos or money plant

This adorable creeper is a must-have plant in every home. Benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, xylene, and toluene are among the most common indoor air pollutants, and pothos as an excellent plant for beginners, greatly reduces their levels. Additionally, it is a very resilient plant that can endure most harsh circumstances.

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