Re Sustainability Collaborates with NEERI to Organize Seminar on Hazardous Waste Management to Celebrate World Earth Day

Experts and Stakeholders Discuss Challenges and Opportunities in Hazardous Waste Management and the Latest Advancements in Waste Management Practices.

Re Sustainability (ReSL), Asia’s one of the leading environmental management service provider, collaborated with the National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI) to organize a seminar on hazardous waste management on April 21 to celebrate World Earth Day.

The seminar, held at the Engineering Staff College of India, Gachibowli, Hyderabad, featured experts and stakeholders from across India discussing the latest advancements in waste management practices. The keynote speakers included representatives from ReSL, NEERI, Assam Pollution Control Board, CPCB, IIT Madras, and Dalmia Cements. The seminar had three technical sessions focusing on current practices in hazardous waste management, circular economy opportunities, and new developments towards sustainable growth.

The seminar highlighted the critical role hazardous waste management plays in environmental protection and the need for proper enforcement of waste management regulations to ensure effective and sustainable waste management practices.

ALSO READ: Re Sustainability Collaborates with NEERI to Organize Seminar on Hazardous Waste Management to Celebrate World Earth Day

The experts identified the facilitation of resource waste recovery, the transformation of the market, and waste minimization as major needs. Challenges such as funding deficiency, lack of focus on waste minimization, and the need for corrective actions to measure performance were also discussed.

The importance of preventing groundwater contamination through sustainable treatment and aquifer remediation was emphasized, and the role of technology in remediation, such as soil retorting and mercury-contaminated site treatment, was highlighted.

The event concluded with an engaging Q&A session covering topics such as mapping unregulated waste, the cost of remediation, and the quantum of waste generation. Mr. Goutham Reddy, MD at ReSL,emphasized the need to find innovative solutions that are sustainable, cost-effective, and environmentally responsible.